
Principal Message

Helasita Secondary School

School philosophy

Our school philosophy focuses on training the whole human mind of the students to make them creative thinkers and become good  and responsible citizens; We believe, to achieve these through facilitating them to acquire skills, knowledge and positive attitude in social, spiritual, intellectual and moral education, classroom and extracurricular activities.

Core value

As a school we promote co operative values of :

  • Self awareness and respect for/or to other creeds.
  • Dynamic curriculum which includes leadership skills, problem solving skills, entrepreneurship, sports, self-confidence and discipline.
  • Ethical knowledge such as honesty, openness, social responsibility and understanding to accept responsibility towards the community and nation at large.

Aims and Objectives

Helasita is concerned with building self awareness and open minded students. This education taken in the broader sense includes an increased responsibility for the student's social, moral, spiritual and emotional development, in addition to our traditional interest in academic proficiency. It recognizes the individuality and worth of every student and aims to:

  • providing opportunities for each student to grow as an individual and realise his unique potential through the achievement of realistic self-set goals;
  •  enriching the lives of its pupils through encouraging their participation in the School’s varied cultural and sporting programme;
  • Enabling students develop an understanding of current trends taking place in our fast changing world so that they may embrace those morally acceptable to our national ethics and discard those, which are not acceptable in our communities.
  •   Inculcating in our students the spirit and value of love and respect for human dignity and patriotism regardless of one's social status, tribe, race and religion.

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Why Choose Us?

Helasita Scondary is a recognized leader in providing best education throughout Tanzania.The largest professional property.

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